Citizens Queenss 10k

Raw Notes


  • Woke up at 6
  • pooped
  • subway to flushing meadows
  • knees hurty all week so I was nervous
  • same spot as the half, turns out I was not being paranoid (weak gloots)
  • had another maurten bar, they are very sweet
  • sunscreen + warmup
  • corrals had collapsed before we even got there, so almost no waiting


  • first mile real slow since it was crowded
  • water first few water stations, dumped on neck
  • felt warmed up ~2, no real knee problems
  • felt a little harder around 3-4 but we were picking up the pace slightly
  • lots of shade and breeze throughout, some sunny spots but they were manageable
  • sent it the last mile, lost some wind around 5.5 but got through it
  • there were some random uphill ramps when crossing over, but otherwise very flat
  • that last part felt long
  • chest starting hurting again, I think this is beacuse of overexertion in the heat
  • finished with a good effort


  • Flushing
  • knee started to really hurt after a few hours


  • race experience is good
  • you know what "rough patches" are normal and what you can work through
  • I am slightly more heat acclimated than I was at the half, excited to train through the summer
  • my knee sucks, I am starting strength training with less volume for a few weeks